Friday, March 14, 2008

An interesting review

While in Toronto last month, I met a lot of people who had interesting points of view on Consolation, and I enjoyed some genuinely engaging and profound discussions about the book. No author can hope for that, so I'm still sort of glowing about it all, and full of gratitude.

This kind of engagement you expect least of all from book reviewers, who usually just want to tell you if they liked or disliked a book without actually discussing what might lie beneath the surface. However, I've learned of a review from a site called "Pop Matters"; the review is of the American hardcover, which was published 18 months ago and was reviewed in fewer than five media outlets in the US. You can find the review here—the fact that it's positive is nice, but I also think this is the first review of Consolation that attempts at all to grapple with the issues in the book, and so I'm taking the unusual step of not ignoring a book review, which is generally my policy. Hope you find it interesting.